
DYF Institute III: Engineering is Elementary – Thursday

Posted in Dyf at 10:40 pm by Beth

Outline for the Day

Review yesterday and address feedback
Time to prepare for evening presentations
Marshmallow Challenge
Designing Bridges
Presenting to Engineers and Children
Minute Paper Continue reading


DYF Institute III: Engineering is Elementary – Wednesday

Posted in Dyf at 9:03 pm by Beth

Inspiration for the Day

We got inspiration from Sheryl Steiner’s experience working with middle school children who ended up winning a national transportation design competition.

We watched the Build a Tower, Build A Team to learn that Kindergartners are great designers when working on teams. Continue reading


DYF Institute III: Engineering is Elementary – Tuesday

Posted in Dyf at 10:37 pm by Beth

Participants shared ideas about how they help students learn how to work in groups. Some themes were team building, strategies for selecting teams, roles on teams. In addition participants designed parachutes and tested water filters. Continue reading


DYF Institute III: Engineering is Elementary – Monday

Posted in Dyf at 5:05 pm by Beth

Beth then presented an overview of why it is important to teach engineering to K-12 students. We tied engineering to local needs as described by the Decade of Difference project, based on the Targets of Opportunity. We discussed the difference between science, engineering and technology. Continue reading