2009 Institute Invitation

Invitation to Teach Math & Science Via Engineering Design

Application (pdf)

The DYF Teacher Institute presents an engineering problem solving framework that can be used to teach science and mathematics in a rich, problem based learning context. Across the nation, more secondary schools are including engineering curricula in math and science. Institute participants will experience the design process, reflect on that experience and then plan how to integrate the design process into their teaching.

This institute is for secondary math and science teachers who want to provide more real world context for learning.

Building on Summer 2008 Institute feedback, small standards based curricular packages will be experienced and critiqued by participants.  Engineering topics include:

Each participant will receive curricular materials and related equipment including a bench top fuel cell and electrolizer.

DYF Institute Goals and Objectives:

Benefits for DYF Participants

In addition, to the benefits described above, Institute participants will receive:

Commitment from DYF Participants

Application Process

Who may apply? Secondary Science & Mathematics teachers
When? Applications are due by June 25, 2009.  Application (pdf)

Questions or Comments?

Beth Eschenbach, Environmental Resources Engineering, Humboldt State University, 707-826-4348, Beth.Eschenbach@humboldt.edu

Lonny Grafman Environmental Resources Engineering Lecturer, Humboldt State University, 707-826-3649, lonny@humboldt.edu

Jeffrey White, Redwood Science Project Director, Humboldt State University 707-826-5551, jww12@humboldt.edu

Julie Van Sickle, Redwood Science Assistant Director, Humboldt State University, 707-826-5552, jav16@humboldt.edu

Environmental Resources EngineeringRedwood Science Project

Humboldt State University · Arcata California 95521

(707) 826-4348 · www.humboldt.edu/~dyf